IGROW Consulting

IGROW’s specialized consulting offers a result oriented outcome! IGROW is committed to working with clients to actually deliver results, be they improved economic and financial performance, pioneering new legislation and regulations, or actual transactions through Public Private Partnership arrangements that produce investment, increase employment and increase economic growth and prosperity. IGROW’s consulting capacity ranges from feasibility study to designing a project and implementation, monitoring and evaluating and closing of a PPP or other projects.


IGROW provides consulting services in:

  • Public-Private Partnerships: completed activities include: Tirana PPP water services feasibility; Libya electric distribution concession; Ethiopia health sector PPP advisory; Trinidad and Tobago water utility reform; Alexandria, Egypt city waste management; South Africa, urban facilities…

  • Legal Sector Reform: This sector includes legal training assessment, judicial sector reform, and conflict management. Completed assignments include, Nigeria, training and enforcement of criminal justice and human rights to counter terrorism, South Sudan establishing justice sector institutions, Ethiopia, assessing capacity gaps and reforming curricula of justice sector professionals Training Center; Colombo Sri Lanka, Container terminal feasibility study; China Speed transit feasibility; ports reform in Mumbai and Chennai and Lebanon;…

  • Governance: IGROW provides the rule of law systems strengthening and institutions building. Completed activities include: Kenya constitutional and judicial reform, Lesotho, constitutional drafting and Reform, South Sudan, judiciary and institutions capacity building,…

  • Economic Sector: Focus on policy, institutional and regulatory reform to increase efficiency and business growth: completed activities include: Belize alternative energy feasibility study, Moldova, policy reform for investment and business growth, Indonesia, post-Tsunami land system and allocation reform, Ethiopia seed law and agricultural development.


Institute for Economic Growth & Legal Reform (IGROW)

490 M Street NW, Suite W500 Washington, DC 20004, Tel. +1 202 812 4706  I Email: info@igrow-world.org I www.igrow-world.org


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