Dr. Yohannes KassahunIGROW Co-Founder & Director
IGROW Co-Founder & Director. Dr. Yohannes Kassahun has over twenty years of experience in programs throughout the Balkans. Africa. Asia. Europe. the Middle East. and the United States.
He manages programs both in Rome and Washington DC and conducts customized in-country programs. he has in he past trained. coached and consulted in more than thirty countries worldwide. He directs IGROW consulting. coaching and training partnering with academic organizations and subject matter experts based in Europe. Middle East Africa and the United States.

Basil Nikas
IGROW COO. Basil Nikas comes with over 30 years of international experience and 15 years in USAID and world donor project management with Bechtel. General Electric and Union Carbide and entrepreneurship and with over 20 years'experience in Internet based technologies (created and ran three internet based eProcurement service companies). Mr. Nikas is deeply committed to Moldovan economic growth through entrepreneurism and the use of social media for rapid branding and promotion of the country.

Tifsihit SeyfuProgram Manager, Institute for Economic Growth & Legal Reform - IGROW
Tifsihit is an international development professional and renewable energy advocate with great cultural awareness. She has served in numerous roles of project & grants management specialist implementing projects funded by various donor agencies at Forest Trends, Crown Agents, the Corporate Council on Africa and AECOM's Lowland WASH Activity in Ethiopia.

Vladimir SterpovIGROW Moldova's Director for Eastern Europe and former CIS countries
Vladimir Sterpov's expertise lies primarily in the areas of business development. project management. M&A consulting in the environmental sector of economy. Vladimir has substantial experience in water treatment and supply, alternative energy origination and certification schemes, extended the related industry chains on emerging markets. with particular expertise in liquid and solid bio fuel production chain, alternative energy (biogas, solar, heat pumps), waste management and water treatment technologies, with particular markets of application/implementation in Romania. Bulgaria Moldova. Ukraine, Russian Federation and the Baltic states.